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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Another Great Offer!

Now you can also get paid for searching Google! Yeah get paid via PayPal and make money for all your Ebay purchases or what not. Once again all i ask is that you use me as your refferal for telling about this great site.

NetBux make money for searching Google.

Helping You & Helping Me

I am not kidding about this stuff its all true, some of you might already know about it some of you may not and for those who don't here it goes. You can get some pretty sweet stuff for free on the internet but you need a credit card and for this one you do but as soon as you are credited you can cancel without being charged a penny. I will even list the offers that are free to do and about how long you will have to wait until you get credit confirmation. Upon informing you about this all i ask is that you sign up through my links. There are some offers thatt are only a dollar and i think in exchange for an ipod or something else that it's a pretty good deal.

What You Can Get:

Free 20 Gig iPod

Free iPodShuffle

Free PhotoiPod

Free PSP

Free Digital Camera

Free Flat Screen

Free Desktop PC

Free Xbox, PS2, or GameCube

Now For the Offers:

Am West FlightFund Visa FREE 2-3 Weeks FREE 14 Days

AOL® 9.0 with MusicNet FREE 2-3 Days

AOL for Broadband FREE 2-3 Days

eFax Plus FREE 1-2 Days

eBay Store FREE 2 Days


Netscape Internet Service FREE 2-3 Days

Optimum Platinum FREE 2-3 Weeks

PeoplePC FREE 2 Days FREE 2-3 Days

StarClub Rewards FREE 1-2 Days

USA Today FREE 2 Days

$1 Offers:

Travelers Advantage $1 INSTANT

NetMarket $1 7 Days

Great Fun $1 7 Days $1 INSTANT

Buyers Advantage $1 2-3 Days

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